Why Most Pooper Scoopers Fail Within 3 Years

The Scoop ReporT

October 23rd

Unearthing the Missteps in Pet Waste Business Success.


Hey Reader , Tony here! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ

The pet waste removal industry, with it's seemingly straightforward business model and ever-growing demand, tempts many people to start this kind of side hustle and eventually go full time. With pet ownership on the rise, there's a clear need for poop scooping services, yet many fail within the initial years. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

But why does this happen? Is it a lack of effort, poor execution or something more nuanced? Today I'm diving deep into these pitfalls and will share actionable tips to help you avoid them.

Lack of Business Planning ๐Ÿ—’

Every business, regardless of its scale or industry, needs a clear roadmap. In the Pet Waste Removal Industry, this involves assessing local demand, studying competitors, and anticipating challenges. However, many new scoopers underestimate this and frankly don't create a business plan. Consider the unfortunate business trajectory for my friend "Billy". He was so excited to start scooping, and his initial enthusiasm landed him a loyal customer base after marketing in his neighborhood. However, his lack of a cohesive business strategy led to spending more money than needed, making decisions on the fly and ultimately a dwindling customer base as people left him for his competitors. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Learn from "Billy's" oversight: Your business plan must account for growth strategies, potential challenges, financial management and more! It's your roadmap, ensuring you don't get lost in your daily hustle.


Underestimating Operating Costs & Competitive Pricing ๐Ÿ“Š

Maintaining a stable Pooper Scooper business goes beyond just picking up dog poop. Vehicles need maintenance and fuel, equipment wears out, advertising costs continue to grow and unforeseen expenses will come your way. But, one of the biggest mistakes new businesses make is getting into a Price War. ๐Ÿ’ฐ

Attempting to stay "competitive" with established franchises, I see new scoopers take the risky route of undercutting prices, and even offer scooping services for FREE. It's tempting to slash prices or offer complimentary services to outdo larger franchises. But you need to remember that these franchises can afford to provide free services because they have route density and economies of scale working in their favor.

I did a poll on my Community Tab and an overwhelming number of responders do NOT offer a free scoop for the initial appointment:

As a new scooper, it's in your best interest to focus on providing MORE VALUE to your customers instead of competing on price alone. What unique, personalized service can you offer? Perhaps it's pet-friendly deodorizers/sanitizer or digital information products you can give to your customers that help them with their dogs.


Ineffective Marketing and Customer Acquisition ๐Ÿ“ข

In today's digital age, spreading the word about your services isn't just about having a presence online or distributing flyers. It's about strategic positioning and targeting. The more you understand your ideal audience, their behaviors, preferences and pain points, the more your marketing will resonate with them. Unfortunately, many new scoopers burn through their marketing budget without gaining any significant traction. And it's scary to invest money in marketing without any guarantee of a return. But if you truly focus on the demographics and psychographics of who you are targeting, that will help you frame your marketing message to match your ideal avatar.

For example, if you want to target elderly or people with mobility issues, your marketing message should say something like: Are you having difficulty picking up your dog's poop because of your bad knees/hips and need a helping hand? Your ideal avatar will read this and say "Yes, I AM having difficulty picking up my dog's poop because of my mobility issues" and they will be more likely to reach out to find out more information. ๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿ‘ต

Optimize your marketing budget by investing in local SEO services, allowing people in your service area to find you easily. Collaborations with local pet shops, groomers, veterinarians, websites etc can lead to mutual referrals, ensuring you're getting exposure to an audience already interested in pet-centric services. It's not just about quantity, but the QUALITY and relevance of your target audience. ๐Ÿ’ช


Poor Customer Service, Retention & Business Model ๐Ÿคฌ

In an era dominated by online testimonials, your reputation is your most valuable asset. But great customer service goes beyond just addressing negative reviews, it's about building trust and creating genuine, lasting relationships with your customers. If you set an expectation with a customer, YOU MUST KEEP THAT EXPECTATION. I can't tell you how many times I got new business because their previous scooper never showed up to service their property or did a mediocre job.๐Ÿ‘Ž

One time appointments might get you a lot of quick cash, but for sustainable growth and predicable income, you need customer's who want you to return week after week. Luckily for Pooper Scoopers, once you clean the yard the first time, their dog will still need to poop outside and this is your opportunity to sign them up for weekly services. You can create loyalty programs where you give them X gift after a set period of time, discounts for monthly service packages or referral bonuses to reward your customers who help you grow.

These strategies not only ensures a steady stream of income, but they also foster a community of loyal customers who will be your BIGGEST ADVOCATES. Remember, it's always easier and more cost-effective to retain a customer than to acquire a new one. ๐Ÿ’ธ


Even though there are a lot of challenges in the Pet Waste Removal Industry, they're not impossible to overcome. Each obstacle is an opportunity to grow, and a chance to innovate and be better than everyone else. As you continue on your scooping journey, understanding these pitfalls is only half the battle. The other half? Strategically implementing the tips shared today for your success. Stay informed, pivot your business when necessary and always prioritize THE VALUE YOU GIVE YOUR CUSTOMERS. With these guiding principles, your Pooper Scooper business won't just survive... it will thrive.

Are you doing anything differently so your business won't fail? Or have a competitor who no longer is around? I'd love to hear your stories, feedback and experience (I read all replies lol). Reply to this email and let me know!!

I'll See You On The Next Scoop!


Tony - Poop Scoops For Noobs

P.S. - And As Always, Acknowledge The Now.

๐Ÿ“ฐ In other news

  • I released a video on Youtube called Pro Scooper Responds to Angry Clients where I share some of my horror stories as a Pooper Scooper. It's crazy how angry people get with service providers, especially when we're picking up their ๐Ÿ’ฉ!
  • If you didn't know, I also offer video editing services for other businesses! If you want some awesome videos for your marketing campaigns, send me a message and let's work together! ๐ŸŽฅ


๐Ÿ“ฐ How I Can Help You ๐Ÿค

๐Ÿ‘‰ Book a One-on-One Coaching Callโ€‹

๐Ÿ‘‰ Facebook Audience Keywords List For Pooper Scoopersโ€‹

๐Ÿ‘‰ 140+ Before/After & Bag Display Photos for Social Mediaโ€‹

๐Ÿ‘‰ Contract and Terms of Service Templateโ€‹

My favorite tools to run my business ๐Ÿ‘‡

Some of these links are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.


What I used to grow to $50K+ annually as a solo operator. Start a free trial of Jobber via my link and receive an exclusive discount AND my bonus Jobber Cheat Sheet For Pooper Scoopers! I'll jump on a coaching call with you to help you get set up when you sign up for a Paid Plan!


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Nice Job

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Every month I share actionable business tips, practical pooper scooper advice, and high-quality insights from across the Pet Waste Removal Industry, directly to your inbox. ๐Ÿ’ฉ Check out the awesome resources below that will help your Pet Waste Removal Business and make sure to subscribe to The Scoop Report newsletter so you don't miss the latest scoop!

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